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Week 1 psychological self portrait

FC 317 self portrait - my original portrait was the traveling, art boat cruise but then decided to do my trainers as my portrait as i felt it will sound more interesting plus my trainers have a good pattern size and i like the width of it also  different back grounds for my portrait. 

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Week 2 research project  about an artist in Tate gallery


while i was exploring the Tate gallery i did an outline of my chosen art piece i used my pencil to draw the shape outline then used marker to match and connect the lines together to make it come out alive and more vibrant i was quite pleased with this was my best choice. 


On Wednesday we went to see the tate art gallery it was massive this was my first time visiting here it was quite impressive. i saw different beautiful artworks with different mediums and styles  an one particular work i fell upon was this one because it reminded me of south Africa growing up when i was born the artist name is Ernest mancala he was born in trffontein Johannesburg Transvaal colony on 29 of august 1904 he grew up on the rand and was eventually sent to grace Dieu near Pietersburg for his  secondary schooling by his uncle his interests in art started in 1925. he produced  pieces of furniture, but his main work was the African Madonna which was displayed at the Johannesburg art gallery.

Week 3  mini brief response structures and negative space .

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This  is my structure s portrait of a sky boat ride i used chopsticks and blue tac to  stick the pieces together i find a bit difficult at the beginning due to lack of ideas but eventual got the hang of it 

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Did a typography image of all the letters got this image from my phone and few other as well i am not realty into or particular with this so this is new to me 

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in visual culture class i was asked to pic an image that has positive and negative spaces i got this from the class the vent on the cycling i found it quite interesting to able to underling from the inside of the box to make it bigger and shapes as well.

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This is my brief example of my typography how i have used different things such as pens markers and pencils to arrange my alphabets in order although i couldn't finfish the rest due to lack of their resources. 


i did this example of coins as an another option which was quite useful

Week 4 size and scale 

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In week 4 i took some photos of different size and scales i did in different story scenes like the first one the building is on the brink of collapse on the ground floor my hand as brick and magnet wall prevents it from falling down, the second is my finger is poking the mini man in the building as if he a little Minecraft the last scene is the two fingers are wrapped like a bubble trying to capture half truck movement and create a story the truck has one part so it moving on its own.

Week 5  mini zine 

In week 5 i did something new i did a zine about my travel adventure dialogue i used paper to fold in 8 places got scissors to cut of some the edge so the story about this is if you stay to long in your comfort zone you will never fly or move forward in life sometimes you need to take chance and see the world for yourself. i created 7 tips of traveling such as adventure and plenty more to come i added the second image as my supportive term to raise my point of my zine.


Week 6 wearable sculpture mini brief 


In stage 1 in my process of my meaning sculpture i came up with a design brief pf making a top hat with building block to support the weight at start of this i struggled a little pit due to fact i don't normally make sculptures but i had a go despite that and its very quite interesting rather than use clay you can use other materials as well. so i wrote some ideas to support my brief and give a field of what i was working with. my theme was to make a scientific hat the one scientist used to make during the 19s.


In stage 2  on Wednesday i went to the  harrow campus  in the university of Westminster to continue me design brief i had a change of mindset i decided rather than the building block instead i added  on the two poles plus a ball like an planet asteroid to make it more appealing. materials i used wear foil paper a box, paper, and tape. i used the foil paper to wrap around the box  then saved some to use to the make the two poles and the  ball . i really felt quite proud of this because i was able to move to the next step to the other to really unleash my creative streak.


Finally in stage 3 i am half way of finishing my sculpture but the pieces are coming together so just a few more additions to it then i can say i am done.


My final project of my sculpture of a scientific gravitational 3D  hat. i used a combination of foil paper, tape, spray paint, a big card board and some card paper for some finishing touches. i will say a m quite proud of this i feel i have created something out of nothing with these materials being displayed although it good but they were a few issues two poles were quite hard to place because the tape wasn't too strong to hold it maybe next time use  pointers to make it easier for me and also the fact foil is not that easy to use with tape due to texture of it but overall a quite impressive development 

Week 7  color theory  / painting 

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In week 7 we are looking at Josephs Albers color tasks how we composited different shades of paper. what i did was combination of 2/3  shapes of different  positions of the composition shapes. At first it was quite a tricky one due to making sure if its either two it three shapes in the middle but i was good overall. despite this there were some issues i tried doing shapes that either 2/3 lines which i wasn't good at to be honest so 


A few weeks  ago during the class in harrow campus i was introduced to mooning print where you trashing plastic with ink to roll it on the image and tracing out what i did was  about space and moving particles which i enjoyed doing but to  be fair it wasn't that smooth because  the method and process was quite tricky to understand but go there eventually.


I decided to add another art piece to have more backgrounds and options this is about 3 mini men on the building playing different instruments i got this image from Kaplan college in second building when looked at the window i saw this i was amazed of work i remembered when did a previous work on this during visual culture quite pleased with this.

Overall with a good experience but i had a few issues due the fact it took me a while to recognize my object due to my surrounding the classroom.  due to lack of ideas so i went to different classes across the buildings to look for better objects.

Week 8 Photo shop 

Week 8 we did something new photoshop we pick two images and cut out the pieces and paste it on another image testing out different effects. i did a brief of two images as you see  chopped of the inner pieces and placed under the second image to see how it looks like on 3D which was quite interesting but well learned. But there a few challenges because it was my first time doing didn't know much about the settings which i had ew questions marks i had to ask a staff to somehow guide me to it 


Week 9 Monoprint 


During the previous class i was asked to create a mono print what i did was combine different  images of arts and science to form my  picture  and theme which was quite interesting but also quite tricky due to method of using the ink.


Pervious example of different moon print from different student in the foundation class which was quite good and lots of options to choose from.

 Week 10 idea development project proposal 

For my project proposal i decided to do on will smith as my chosen piece. first start of the process i drew out the face i also added few combination of different themes such  as tree which refer to Miami the new bad boys 4 movie coming up and a crown to represent his image  the i used a black marker to outline the details  for me its important when finishing drawing outline the picture to make it attractive and organized. reason i choose will smith was he one of the best black actors in the industry. he was born in Philadelphia in 1968  he used to be rapper before he decided to pursue more acting  role. during his career he won multiple awards such as 4 Grammys and one academy award has known for his actions , sci fi, and television movies such bad boys, men in black, and so forth but what was most famous for was the tv show the French prince of Bel lair.

During week 4  i was asked to create a letter story text with a a rhyme to make sense with at first it was quite difficult due the small paper and i an cut carefully around the edges but it was a good try which i enjoyed a bit. 


Week 11/12 project development 

Last week in Harrow campus i was deciding what to do  for my final design brief of my two celebrities that i will be working with i decided combine  the recent films they have featured such as creed and bad boys ride or die as you can see the resemble of Miami and fast cars on a car chase while i added a boxing ring to it plus with the boxing gloves to resemble creed by Michael B Jordan but this is just the beginning in terms of the color background and sound that is still on hold for now i will say i am quite pleased with this however it took me quite a while to figure it out due to what to do in the task overall a good experience.


Andy Warhol design 

To add to my project proposal i did a research about will smith where he came from. He was born from west Philadelphia  Wynne field neighborhood middle class. He was raised from a Baptist he was mostly from the streets in the western side. i got this information from wiki  Will Smith - Wikipedia

The final design i decided to paint it for the final stage i  used different colors to blend the image and settings of what is happening in the picture the back ground i played with for a while before i created my own not just to copy the image but have an  idea of it . i will say i am quite proud of this however there were a few issues i was kind of confused of what to do there was mix up between FC 317/Fc318 i thought were doing a poster of two of them when the teacher  only for Fc 318 overall it was very good i get to demonstrate my ideas and high talents of what to do. i will say next project wan more like tv series such as Dragon ball z Kai that will be bery nice as well.


For week 12 from my previous project proposal i decided to add two celebrities consorting of will smith and Michael B Jordan. for my theme is to use previous films they have been to combine it to make sound effects change of music scenery from the final project which is still on hold for now will determine for my final idea. i got these idea from Adam Warhol which he worked and painted celebrities with different backgrounds and fonts of the images which does different athletes and popular figures in the industry 

Week 13/14 planning development 

Stage 1 process while deciding on what to do i decided the stage paint my image used a combination of colors to make it blend with my work  at first i wanted to use oil paint  for my work but oil paint is not best for this paper so i used acrylic paint i am quite pleased with this. Stage 2 . 


The final process i painted the whole picture of combined films and locations of two celebrities latest shows i created this in aspect of exploring their daily lives during the acting film careers once done painted i used some markers to finish the outline and make it more detailed  i can honestly say i am quite pleased but i would have liked it if i had i clear understanding of different movements overall excellent. 


Today on my bank holiday  i was thinking of what to do to to experiment different techniques so i decided to do mirror images of the two celebrities i am working with well its not my best work yet this is my progression point until i use the big canvas for the my main idea i started using my sketch book drawing out  a line then add two celebrities double images o shoe each expression of tense moments i  the back ground i can say i am ok with this but still needs developing further. 

This for my second final piece of two celebrities i have been working with i used paint and black markers to make the images pop out more as you can see it looks like a bit of pop art. The main idea was to cut their faces into small sizes to express different abstract of personalities plus style of facial moods i will say this quite an improvement different from last submission.


In the stage 2 process half way day but i will say i wish brought my own colors just to have variety of choices to pick here was not efficient enough despite that.

Week 13


For the other stage of my project sketchbook last week in harrow campus on Wednesday  i was thinking of more ideas of what to include and enhance my work so i decided to do  biography text blog that lists on on the two celebrities of how they were young they rise from fall to fame from different middle class families which i taught was very clever idea to test myself and try new methods which i  enjoyed but next time to make 10 times better maybe  add feathers or materials to make look nice and tidy. 

Before i started my project sketchbook i created a mini mind map to order express my ideas of research journal and pick out what will benefit my work progress. 

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Last week in harrow campus i did a new experiment of my canvas what did rather than do faces i did movies they have featured in i combined them together to make like a poster similar i will say i am reasonably happy with however it was quite difficult due t o the size and using the word cutter  to crave out the letter out through some rough edges 


For my other blend ideas i was thinking of adding materials for big art piece to add more effect and story telling. i did some sketches of different plastics and wood that best suitable for my project. Also add it up i did some research wood it turns its best to use poplar and soft maple wood which are less expensive than other wood and are smooth and painted well  and its easier to cut and work it rather than hard wood . Pine wood is also another option i sued as well like small soft wood i will use. Second research plastics iso i think will be using small plastic bag, tooth picks, small ruler and cottons buns which i think will be very suitable for final pieces its easier to use and paint over as part of my own research.

Week 14 


Tony Cragg
Britain Seen from the North (1981)

Tony Cragg was born in 1949 he lived and worked in Wuppertal Germany since 1977. His one of the most foremost sculptors. He constantly pushes to find new relations between people and the material world there are no limits to the material he uses as there are no limits to the ideas he chooses. His early work presented a taxonomical understanding of the world he sees manmade objects as fossilized. 

Tony Cragg made this work during a visit to Britain in 1981, when he felt that the nation was beset by social and economic difficulties. The figure to the left is a portrait of the artist. Cragg lives in Germany, so although Britain is his native country he was viewing it through the eyes of an outsider.


Typically for Cragg, the work consists of many individual objects, arranged to form a larger image. This has prompted his work to be described as a 'relationship of the part to the whole', an idea derived from particle physics.

Tate (n.d.). Plastics Coursework Guide. [online] Tate. Available at:

Week 15 


As part of my experiment  this was canvas was already used however i can still add something extra which what i did to test it out i used some material i brought like  pompoms  so  started out by adding more paint to my work for the outline the added the pompoms to the side to make it look unique i will say  am quite ok wit this but there were a few issues i prefer using pva glue they was none so i add to use glue stick to stick them in which worked but it could have been better.


This is the complete formal work of my design i add a little help from the teacher to position my camera very well to avoid flinching and get the clear picture so i crop the outside layer to make it look nice.


My second screen shot of my work i decided to do a side view to test my camera quality of the project i was creating and it worked out very well. However i had some assistance from my teacher to balance the image very well.

Week 16   planning presentation part 2


On Wednesday in harrow campus i was experimenting different things for my final art project stage 1 i standard with a slightly big medium size canvas  first i got the stand to help me hold the canvas well places to avoid falling off this was a good start however i taught i will be a bit quicker held of time i was delaying a bit because of the room but it was good overall.

Week 17


The second stage i got my other material glue, pun pops and tape to test out my new creation on the canvas though it was quite tricky to stick the puns on the canvas due to its landscape however had a better idea.

Week 18


Then here comes the final outcome of the my design i consist of two male celebrities i used paint and markers first drew the images painted them and used markers to make the outline better and brief example of what i will be creating for the  final work also i will adding a few sound effects and a surprise to find out.

Week 19 Final design 


On Wednesday in harrow campus i was deciding on my final project of my project this is the stage 1 in the process where i gather all materials i need to start this module.


Stage 2 of the process where i drew out the sketches with my pencil whilst using the big canvas then i painted as you see i slowly but carefully painted out the shaded lines to make  the image more clear with details  to finish it off i used a black marker to draw out the eyes and nose and ears to the image come alive, On the second celebrity  i used the marker to shade the eyes to make the eyes pop out like getting suspicious of the second celebrity.


Stage 3 process of my final design i decided to add  to luxury lifestyle and bags to my story to have a similar comparison of two celebrities like coach the fashion model who Michael B Jordan is the face of the brand. And to add a fast car like the Ferrari Gt which is something they have in common.


Now to grand finale of my final project the complete version i used multiple of colors on the canvas to make the image blend with my story to  create meaning of clam and tense motions. i used pompoms to stick on the bag to make it more interesting and less boring. Despite the success of my project they were a few issues to occurred such as efficient i usually paint very fast but without taking time looking at the details then the image will not come out as i like. i had to use place the canvas on table to stick the pop poms on the bag to avoid it from falling off but everything turned out very well as i planned for the future will be creating more works with celebrities but also with objects a new phase.


Part 2 to make my canvas display brighter i added led lights to add something familiar and it worked out perfectly i did want to send a video but it didn't allow me despite that i  was big success.


I did a side show of the led lights at the side for better quality of the lightning effect on the canvas.



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