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FC 318

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Week 1 object trainers collections 

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This is a collection of my trainers  i used various background took picture on my phone i also added  a few designs to look a bit more abstract work i will say i am quite pleased with this because i have unlocked anew way  visualizing and editing different  collection of each item i will probably say next time ty use a a different angle when taking photos on my phone. 


While i was doing me self portrait i used  my mind map as a guide to direct my process of how i wanted to create shoe collection i put in a bubble form with plenty of suggestion and ideas to pick best suits my trainers collection which was quite useful for me i was a bit stuck but with help of the mind map i found a piece of source.

Got  this inspiration from the artist called Wayne Thiebaud i like how the ties are different colors and the arrangement style of how it set up and background is quite nice as well.

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During class a teacher introduce me to this book about fashion for shoes i saw this image it was done by an artist  Eamo Donnelly the artist  in 2000..He used various techniques such as pencil sketches and  hard ink crush on paper i like this image a lot due the variety of different trainers rather than just one and the contrast and texture. This where i got the inspiration from

Week 2  shading techniques


We  did a speed test of our drawing collection first one was 20 seconds last one 1 hour i found it ab bit tricky due to the fact the positioning of the of my paper under the table but i carried on

In class were told to do a perspective drawing on an object i use my earphones as guide to my object started out a bit rough eventually used control on the shading fade and trace out the design


Week 3 prescriptive drawings


In  week 3  we did analyses of two and three perceptive drawing which i found quite interesting and challenging at the same due to me experiencing this before but i got some help from the teacher  but i had a go myself.


This a three dimeson perspective drawing i did class cycle 1 their was first attempt i know its a quite rough but i can see the outline when tracing in the shapes on the Centre line.

Week 4 negative space and shading techniques


In week 4 i did negative drawing of pair of chairs what did was take a picture analyze the negative an dipositive spaces and shaded the negative spots it was very enjoyable and artistic maybe next time tide up on positive spaces.

Week 5 Creative drawings 


This is for creative and final drawing i started off with shading of my trainers collection though it was a bit rough but managed to outline the details and finish off. then for my final piece i used markers and pens to make my image bright and clear to avoid making it glum so i am very pleased with this what i will say is better shading control i tend to shade pretty fast in moving forward.


During week 4  we discussing about shading techniques which the teacher instructed us to do when drawing which is important i can say with was interesting but i had to be a little patient due to my speed and accuracy so i toke my time practiced the shading types i can say it went quite well.

This is a commentary drawing of my shading shoes although i started really quickly then started to use more control to really get the details right like shape of laces and dark shaded part of the layer.

Contour drawing search 


Life and career skills assignment drawing. during while away from class during life and career skills plus a visit to the harrow campus did a mixture of drawings and different looks of shoes, objects, stories and surrealism which i enjoyed doing for a while although it was late and time was hectic i managed to do it.

This is the contour drawing for 30 seconds i drew Ekin although it wasn't finished at first of the lesson was a bit hesitant to draw my classmates but i had to do it anyways even though its not my style 

Cycle 2

Week 6 introduction to portrait drawing 

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A few weeks ago on Friday we were ask to pick our artist and draw the face features from the head nose , to the body which at first was quite tricky due to my past pace but eventually lowered it and got some of the details spot on.


This for 1 hour contour drawing under table which i did a blind drawing of the second teacher which was quite silly because that was part of the exercise we had to do in class it was funny despite all that.  

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The last 10 minutes of the class i a composition of two artists on big paper and markers which included  Salvador Dali and Thomas Heatherwick i added another face as well to make it more interesting and formal two artist on the side and one in the middle i added a extra face to a have a better picture motion 

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A picture of savaldor Dali

Week 7 portrait brief 


Edward Enninful is a Ghanian born British editor and stylist who was born in 22 February 1972 he currently 52 years old . He was the editor director of conde Nast  he got appointed as a fashion director the British fashion magazine I-D at the age of 18.  but his most break out year was he worked with one of the best fashions photographers to produce ground breaking highly admired work. in the year between 1998 and 2011 he contributed extensively to American  vogue and Italian vogue. As a teenager he became interested in fashion when he was scouted as a fashion model he displayed talent for fashion styling which led the editor of I,D Terry jones to accept him. he attended goldsmiths university of London known for its art program me  but left to pursue dreaming of a full time fashion designer. he won serval awards in his life for best fashion designer of magazines and best curator as well.

Did a quick sketching of my chosen artist Edward Enninful making outlines from his head eyes and ears with was a better improvement to my previous attempt i will say i quite enjoyed but it takes a bit of time and patience to look for hidden details of the face. i really enjoyed this part there more basics that just drawing its also about how will you study principles of the image and its tones 


Yesterday in class did another one section detailing the eyes and nose and eyebrows of Edward ennifiul this final stages of my final piece i can say this is lot better than i expected although i did had some help with a teachers to really to look at image very clearly and look at some dark tones where it needs shading light or dark  and the mouth is very direct as well 

Week 8 Generating ideas 


For the final drawing of my ideas i have done and combined the two details i have been working on to see the full effects which has been a good recap but as always there were a few issues i had to learn some patience when drawing out the main picture which took me a while but got there  I started  very fast in the beginning but after a few feedbacks i started to carefully to apply the tone slowly to see better improvements i  will quite i say i am quite pleased with this work. 

Week 9 Development and refinement 


Before  i started doing the actual poster i decided to focus  on my background image i did a few sketches starting the one on the top i did something similar to this by Gracey jones  i added some lines and bend it together the second one i used more details and shapes to make it look unique and clever  which i taught was enjoyable for my work.


For final design poster used waves as my main background  i added Edward endful face on the main page  i have carved his face into different compositions with markers to see the effect of the color i know he s into fashion so i added a crystal eye to support it i will say it was a good process however there a few misunderstandings with task being required but it made sense in the end.

Week 10 final design and evaluation 


For FC 318 poster i choose Edward Enniful he famous and known for fashion marketing and magazines such gossip and celebrity news i started of with a few diagrams and sketches to decide on my background once i choose it i started of tracing this face i combined some oh his works to have an idea of what he has done previously  like the shoe which was designed by him he expressing the shoe of how it channels power of laughter and inclusivity in his adidas trainers and a few models Alexander MC queen. i will say i am quite pleased with this  but  few issues occurred i did have enough space in my room to work with despite that i was a good progress 


For the final design i used color pencils to color in the image with different styles of combinations this is a good start for the future maybe my next poster can be about abstract works that more of my game.

Cycle 3

Week 11   - 2050 Vision: research  - 


During last week for FC 318 i thinking of how predict on how or  i want 2050 should be like i created a mind map to expand my ideas into specific terms  of retro futurism. Also i think without graphics or fine art to  the  world will be dull and weak mindset to life.


As part of my research i say this prototype of car assembling itself as back up for my research model in the near future car modelling will change forever due to new experience and car assembling 

As part of my research  i predicting in 2050 they will be  a car revolution of different brands such a Bugatti flying car which i think will be very cool there also rumors that  car will be shift to other location for car share marketing to produce goods and values. i want to see is the first car helicopter since helicopter already excited with be scientific experiment of combining parts of car metal to build helicopter that will be one the greatest history of 2050. Plus they will be car generators i reckon but that's only a suggestion.

This is my research of next generation of car modelling in 2050. i predict that i want to see in 2050 is new car evolution  i reckon the car market will increase to maximum of 3.7 billion if the buyers are interested and eager to invent. i reckon the car company will invest in new car deals for insurance to ensure secured market and protected server. I think they will create the first flying car they have been rumors of that happening which can be cool and exciting 

 For the my Short reflection  what i have done recently is with my project i have done primary research mostly on the web on my two things i will be focusing on the car model and car stimulator of my final design. So far i have enjoyed the process however due to my lack interest it really wasn't  up to my standards and also the fact that one technical drawing s app were not helpful at all but it was worth a try. 

Week 12 2050 vision research 

My first  vision i did a sketch of my art minivan first drew the van used a black pen  finish some details to make look alive. i predict for 2050 will create a minivan version will be good for the future in order to express your value and create meaning of who inspiration plus drive along the road to explore and develop new contents of visual arts work model. 

I did Another version of the art minivan this time use some bright markers to make it colorful and to blend in with environment features. i can say it quite impressive being able to expand it further.

My art minivan automobile for my prediction in 2050 vision which i think can be possible because of new discovery of the world everyday  i added a surfboard on top of  my car to add some adventure and solar panel windows to reflect sound audio i can say i enjoyed however there were a slight delays due to long research but overall an improvement.


For development stage this is my second option for my 2050 vision board a visual spy camera i think this can be a good idea for my car revolution it will study and maximize the car components and stimulation. Another thing i will add create a car stimulator to access the hard drive of my car minivan and it will remotely control with itself only in my command will change the art world industry  in 2050 which i want to see happen at some stage as part of my research. But decided not to add it due its heavy size. 


For the final two pieces i have choses are my art minivan mobile and the car stimulator  because i feel these are the best choice for my design project for 2050. i predict for the future of car stimulators will be more virtual reality  and  scientific base due to the company trying build a new concept  for future of cars. I will want to add a car scanning program to test capabilities and power source of the car before testing out. Also think they will be different locations for car to be testing in one of the longest fastest laps e.g. Miami, Boston, Toronto, and so forth to  have a blend of interesting countries to make the stimulator. As part of my research.

Week 15 Final designs  introduction to portfolio. 

Week 13 generating ideas


To my next idea i was thinking in 2050 they will create a a new tv brand a 5k tv monitor since 4k already exists in the world plus rumor that some tv might be become Bluetooth being easy to connect to your laptop and mobile phones. For my research i did  a discovery for the next 10 years tv will become smart TVs it will allow users stream videos and music  browse through the web and views photos which ad more power to it and eventually create virtual reality and future programming. T0 add something  since tv brands like Netflix, apple, you tube, and sports will be more enhanced as ever to make it cheaper for consumers.


As part of my research journal blog i looked at some technical drawings of car stimulators and ho they shaped can be changed in my 2050 vision board. In future of the car history world they could be more settings on car stimulator like 3 levels  amateur , beginner, experience, and world class. which i think will be good to test out peoples abilities of cars and take them to different locations to test out the real car prototype it self which will change visual culture car motion stimulators. I like the persons idea  due the his drawings and the layout of the car stimulator and how it will develop more in future in 2050 i which i believe will happen for further assement. 

Reference list (n.d.). > 4DOF motion simulators. [online] Available at:


This the real life car stimulator base level ground car motor which will look like this hoe ever there are rumors that the companies are planning to build even efficient car stimulators which can strengthen the car exchange market to attract millions of people interest in 2050.


As part of my car research yesterday  in my room i was thinking of other new concepts of diffrent car models that can happen in the future in 2050 due some new car transportation. I did some my own drawing sketches of new car function such as Lambo jet wing which i rink can be a very interesting development every year new car companies make a lot of Lamborghini models i want this to be part of it , new one  Ferrari water jet ski motor i know i have seen a few in Dubai but this one is different i added some extra things like the long pole which is like a communication sensor that senses the movement under water and can be used to drive under water as well plus it can be used as a microphone as well. Then the last one the Bugatti Veyron flying jeep another one of a kind we know Bugatti is one of the fastest cars in the world with top speed at 215mph how ever this this new design i created will be the fastest flying car in the world  reaching top speed of around 200-225 mph so i think with designs the car industry will be exploded however it will be draining and a bit costly.

Week 14 refinement and development 


As part  of my research i decided to add two of my ideas the car model ,  visual spy camera and car stimulator  because those where the best options due to my experience with cars models and structure. I believe in the future of my 2050 vision there will be 1000 of car models that will be tested in the higher market of the best bidder to trade. I also think car stimulators will be more advanced than the original ones who says you cant think bigger they will be different car stimulator types of each level beginner, amateur , very good, experience, and pro division. they also be a car driving test visual reality to race different people across the world to test your skills. For visual spy camera this will be new phase and camera reality due to its speed and colorful picture graphics able to scan and study the model of the car.

Week 15 final design 

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While i was making my 3D project i was thinking of what to add to my 3D project portfolio then i decided to use photoshop in making my drawing for detailed and nice this is the one background is black i then added to some lines for effect of the image to make it flash out. This final part of my project but 3D like .

Another brief example of cars that will be presenting in 2050 go karting cars maybe changed to become even faster and safe driving for passengers and children at the back.

week 16 making 3D piece


My concept idea of my Ferrari water jet ski i will be experimenting with clay as a starter to explore and expand my idea of what i want to produce. As part of my research i watched a you tube channel as evidence of use of clay for 3D car modeling i can say it was quite helpful although at first it was little complicated to get shape and structure of car but it all made some sense in the end. However i didn't like it the outcome of it it was very flat and the shape was quite funny on the side. So will be using a different method either use metal. card board, or paper with some research to add to it for further details.


The final work of the Ferrari water jet ski 2000 i used clay for my project first stage opened the nylon to remove the clay  then used my hands to press the car shape it to the module i want. I was a quite stuck of what to do next so i took some risks and painted at first i was quite worried about the outcome but i went ahead of it eventually it turned out quite good then u sed a black marker to shape the outline of the car at the bottom of of the car is solar panels which will be used to go underwater as well to be able to breathe as well over water. plus behind the car with be long stick panel for communication under water to feel the vibration under water and plus as the side is storage to store Vitale items. i think this the future of car revolution based on studies and developments of cars over the years which i want to see in 2050.

Week 17/19 making the 3D project 


First stage designing my art minivan  i gathered all the materials i need to create so i brought tape, glue, scissors, marker and milk cartoons to get started on my model now on to stage two.


Second stage so got soya milk cartons to resembled my art minivan then i used tape to stick together without falling with help from a teacher used paper  to create the base of minivan model i decided to as some clay  i rolled it up to make side window because add more ideas to it  and lastly i used glue to stick the clay on the paper i can say it went well but there where a few issues cartons are not always the best to create models because to place it in one place and stick was quite tricky but it went very well.


 The third stage the front view of the minivan still in work progress of it but you can see the front size base window of the minivan used some tape to stick it in.


And lastly the final stage  this is the other side of art minivan  i used scissors to cut the the round things from the milk cartons to make wheels of the minivan i painted it black because i prefer that color overall it was very good despite some minor setbacks but in the future i will be working with card board, plastics, maybe wood for next time project i feel this will better to use and more sustainable than milk cartons.

Week 20  final portfolio 

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Yesterday  i finished my car model so i went online to the adobe photoshop to test my project. I started off by changing the background from the picture to a black ground black . The reason for this change was to experiment my model and the background i had wasn't very attractive so i decided to change it with a pen i drew some lines on the background to test the color effect. Then change the pen color to yellow to trace out the patterns reason for this is i like to make my drawings more detailed and nice.

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For the second image i used the same background  with the software  to play and test out different things. As you can see there some blue spots on the patterns for this change was to see how the color clashes with the green tape i can see i was quite pleased with that.

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And finally the third image after playing around with software program i decided to add a image of a sky reason for this was practice the theory of color then background i changed it to contrast with the image of the sky i am glad i did i wanted to see how it looks like and to make more alive and complex with 3D. I will say in the future  probably practice with more Photoshop to get used to the software effect.


This is the image of sky i used for the second image it looks like a water color but its part of sky that i was testing out.

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And lastly my  final image of my model i changed the whole background to white to make it look as if were in space. with a pen i decided to add my own drawings to test my self i added glide pipelayers and some rocket boosters for acceleration reason for this development change was test my theory of minivans will be used in space to travel across galaxies and help astronauts in their work in space gravity. in future i believe this will be very useful in modern world

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